Awards Committee

The WORLD DIPLOMATIC FEDERATION “WODIF” has its award or selection committees in every continental and/or regional head of offices across the globe.
WODIF has a unit executive committee that is responsible for canvassing for nominations, promoting the honor, and forming the selection committee.

Selection committees are formed by the WODIF Allies unit or committee if the honor is not associated with a unit or committee. The committee composition varies by honor and may be defined in the diverse application.

The Awards Committee
(a) formulates general policies regarding awards and honors administered by the organization, and submit such policies and specific recommendations for approval by the Grand/Provost Commissioners, Chancery Council, and Commissioner-General;
(b) formulates a general program designed to meet the needs and desires of the organization in the matter of awards and honors, a may be approved by the Governing council made of the Grand/Provost Commissioners, Chancery Council, and of which the final verdict is approved and sanction by the Commissioner-General;
(c) selects, subject to the approval by the Governing Council, the recipients of the existing awards and honors.
The primary role of the WODIF Awards Selection Committee is to select each year’s recipients for WODIF’s organization Awards.

The Chair’s Role
The selection committee chair shall be responsible for ensuring the review and selection process is completed on time and following WODIF guiding principles and course of actions. The chair facilitates and documents the reviewed and selection process, and should possibly not score or vote on nominees unless it is required. The chair may take part in the discussion of the nominees but should be mindful of their primary role of facilitator.
Membership of Awards Selection Committee
The WODIF Awards Selection Committee is consists of just about a level blend of Fellowship, Patrons, Retired Executives members who shall have a fair knowledge of WODIF practice. The Governing Council shall appoint the committee chair, who may serve a one- to a four-year term. Recommendations for a new chair should be made by the Awards Selection Committee via the outgoing chair to the Commissioner-General.
The chair shall be responsible for recruiting a slate of new members each year, which shall be submitted to the Governing Council (or the Executive Committee) for approval. A member of the WODIF Governing Council is assigned as a liaison officer to the committee.

Managing Conflicts of Interest
To minimize conflicts of interest, members of the WODIF Awards Selection Committee are not to be nominees or nominators for an organization Award during and for at least one year after the completion of their terms of service. Members may not write supporting letters for nominees during their terms of service.

The deliberations of the Awards Selection Committee and its subcommittees are confidential. The contents of nominations are also confidential and should not be shared, except for appropriate publicity of the winners as described in the guidelines of the WODIF Awards Recognition Committee. The names of selected awardees are to remain confidential until the Governing Council has endorsed the selections, the winners have received official notice, and the chair has informed the committee members that this information may be shared. Subcommittee assignments are also to be held confidential. Should a nominator seek feedback on how his/her nominee fared, all such communications should be directed to the chair of the Awards Selection Committee.

The ordinary members or ex-officio members may by WODIF initiative empower the Governing Council to approve and honor some selected personalities to bestowed with Honorary Fellowship Award Honors.

Particularly, the honorary title is bestowed on persons who have again recognition by experience, resource, wealth, and achievement within the context of philanthropy. Such individuals may be called to the WODIF Hall of Fame to receive Diplomatic Patron Hall of Fame.
Induction is assigned on the individual personality on an appointment, to distinguish the Patron as a ceremonial lord whose position offers advice, lend credibility and support to the organization. Although Patrons are a formal part of the organization but are usually listed on letterheads, appeal brochures, and publicity material to help raise awareness and support for the WODIF activities and programs.

Membership regarding WODIF demands emotional intelligence to support the activities and programs of the organization. Persons with credible achievements and deals of good conscience to fight the right course for humanitarian securities are ushered to the organization.

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